
Complex projects require a non-standard approach that is subject to constant monitoring and adjustment in cooperation with our customers. Genomics research is a very dynamic field, which means that strategies may need change while the project is running. For this reason, we adopted the Agile Manifesto. This means that we work with adaptive planning, early delivery, continuous improvement and rapid and flexible response to change.

We are at the cutting edge of genomics technologies and our customers can benefit from the latest developments. Our solutions include genome assembly, transcriptome profiling and the bioinformatics analysis that are needed to get access to the results of your project.


With our extensive knowledge we can offer solutions that cover the whole process of going from a biological sample to a complete genome sequence. We generally use several assembly tools and compare the results to get the best possible assembly for your data. We can also integrate HiC data or genetic maps to bring your assembly to chromosome level. See the table below for some examples of what we have achieved. We always determine the BUSCO score and do additional QC analysis to ensure our genome assemblies present the optimal result.

Species Total assembly size (Mb) Contig N50 (Mb) BUSCO score (%) Publication
Tabernaemontana elegans (toad tree) 1,069 4.5 97.1 Plant J., 2024
Rauvolfia tetraphylla (devil pepper) 734 chromosome level 97.7 Plant Commun., 2024
Pachypodium lamerei (Madagascar palm) 969 1.7 96.6 Heliyon, 2024
Cyprinus carpio (common carp) 1,500 chromosome level 98.3 Genomics, 2023
Anguilla anguilla (European eel) 1,010 chromosome level Science, 2023
Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle) 582 12.2 97.1 F1000 Res., 2022
Voacanga thouarsii (wild frangipani) 1,351 3.0 97.1 Genome Biol. Evol., 2022
Vinca minor (lesser periwinkle) 679 6.0 96.6 G3, 2022
Ca. Neoehrlichia mikurensis (tick endosymbiont) 1.2 1.2 n.a. Microorganisms, 2022
Spodoptera exigua (beet armyworm) 419 1.1 96.8 G3, 2021
Acipenser oxyrinchus (Atlantic sturgeon) 1,900 chromosome level Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 2021

mRNA vaccine sequencing

Future Genomics Technologies developed a custom mRNA vaccine characterization pipeline. We can process pure RNA and LNP-formulated mRNA vaccine samples. The RNA is ligated to a custom adapter and used for full-length cDNA synthesis. The cDNA is sequenced on our PromethION and Q30 Duplex nanopore reads are harvested from the ONT dataset. The complete consensus mRNA sequence, from the 5’-CAP to the last nucleotide of the 3’-UTR, is deduced from the Duplex reads and fully annotated.

Transgene integration analysis

Regulatory agencies increasingly demand detailed characterization of transgenic cell lines or organisms that produce biological products. In order to ensure their safety, the origin and history of the cell line, cellular morphology and growth characteristics, purity of the cell line, and genetic stability should be defined.
We will de novo assemble and correct the genome sequence of the cell line, resulting in an assembly with a sequence accuracy of 99%. Optionally we offer sequencing polishing toward >99.9% using short read Illumina data. The transgene integration site, orientation and copy number are mapped at the single nucleotide level!

Genome annotation

To get the most out of your genome assembly annotation of genomic features is important. We run the maker pipeline to annotate the genome and we can also generate the full length transcript data that allows for even better gene models.

Three genes

Transcriptome analysis

We offer a complete workflow for RNA sequencing projects: from RNA isolation from cell pellets or tissue samples to library preparation and paired-read sequencing (Illumina NovaSeq system). Because we are also certified for ONT RNA sequencing we can also prepare cDNA or direct RNA libraries for sequencing on the nanopore platform.

We can also provide the bioinformatics services that are needed to use this data.